Worker List
You can use the /get_endpoint_workers/ and /get_autogroup_workers/ endpoints to get a list of workers under an endpoint group and autoscaling group respectively. Both of these endpoints take an ID. You must include your API key either in the headers as a bearer token or in the payload with key "api_token".
Example payload:
These values are returned:
- cur_load: Current number of tokens worker is receiving per second
- cur_load_rolling_avg: Rolling average of cur_load
- cur_perf:
- disk_usage: Storage used by instance(in Gb)
- dlperf: Measured DLPerf of the instance
- id: Instance ID
- loaded_at: Unix epoch time the instance finished loading
- measured_perf: Benchmarked performances (tokens/s). Set to DLPerf if instance is not benchmarked yet
- perf: measured_perf * reliability
- reliability: Uptime of the instance, ranges 0-1
- reqs_working: Number of active requests currently being processed by the instance
- status: Status of the worker, can be: ( starting, loading, running, idle, stop_queued, stopping, stopped, unavail, error, )
Example response: