CLI Commands
Cancel a remote copy in progress, specified by DST id
Cancel a remote copy in progress, specified by DST id
Change the bid price for a spot/interruptible instance
Copy files/folders to and from cloud providers
Copy directories between instances and/or local
Create a new api-key with restricted permissions. Can
Create a new autoscale group
Create a new instance
Create a subaccount
Create a new team
Add a new role to your
Remove an api-key
Delete an autoscaler group
Destroy an instance (irreversible, deletes data)
Destroy a list of instances (irreversible, deletes
Destroy your team
Execute a (constrained) remote command on a machine
Invite a team member
Assign a string label to an instance
Get the logs for an instance
Deposit credits into reserved instance.
Reboot (stop/start) an instance
Remove a team member
Remove a role from your team
Get the user reports for a given machine
Reset your api-key (get new key from website).
scp url helper
Search for instance types using custom query
Set api-key (get your api-key from the console/CLI)
Show an api-key
List your api-keys associated with your account
Display user's current autoscaler groups
Displays user's cloud connections
Get machine earning history reports
Display user's current instances
Display user's current instances
Get billing history reports
Display user's history of ip addresses
Get current subaccounts
Show your team members
Show your team role
Show roles for a team
Get current user data
ssh url helper
Start a stopped instance
Start a list of instances
Stop a running instance
Stop a list of instances
Transfer credits to another account
Update an existing autoscale group
Update an existing team role
[Host] list a machine for rent
[Host] Delete default jobs
[Host] Schedule upcoming maint window
[Host] Create default jobs for a machine
[Host] Set the minimum bid/rental price for a machine
[Host] Show hosted machines
[Host] Unlist a listed machine